Host Families are Christ-followers in our partner churches who want to help keep families intact. They temporarily care for children whose parent(s) need time to get back on their feet. They also get to build a relationship with the parent. The average hosting length is 1-2 weeks.

If your church is not yet partnered with us, let us know you want to change that!

Host Families can serve in these ways:


Crisis Hosting

Host a child whose parent is facing a crisis or navigating a difficult situation. Hostings range from a few nights or a few weeks to several months depending on the reason that a hosting is needed (average of 1 week). Host Families decide which hostings are a fit for their family.


Day Hosting

Care for a child during the daytime only so that an isolated parent can attend a medical appointment, go to a job interview, or as a temporary childcare solution while a parent works on a long-term plan. Day Hosting needs range from one-time needs for a few hours to several weeks of daytime hosting.


Renew Program

Serve a parent and child(ren) who are in a transitional living program coming out of homelessness. Provide friendship to help the family thrive by hosting the child(ren) for 1 weekend per month to give the parent a break and by doing a joint activity family to family once per month. This pairing lasts for 3-6 months.


Host a parent or young adult

Host a young parent and their little one together. These hosting needs are often young mothers with their infants. You can also host a young adult, 18-22 years old, who is needing to stabilize their situation (often after aging out of foster care).

Fill out a Host Family Interest Form


What is the process to become a Host Family?

Host Families complete a thorough approval process that includes an application, a pastoral character reference, a 4-hour training, fingerprinting & background checks, and a family interview and home safety evaluation. Don't be intimidated! If you move steadily through the process, we can complete your approval in around 6 weeks!

Can I become a Host Family if I don't attend a partner church?

Our Host Families come from our partner churches. We recruit churches, not individual volunteers. Learn why this is key to the success of our mission HERE. If you do not attend a partner church, we would love to share how your church can partner. (It isn't as hard as it sounds!) All Host Families also affirm our statement of faith and obtain a character reference from leadership at their church recommending them to serve as a Host Family.

Who can I host?

  • Children ages 0-17
  • Young adults ages 18-22
  • In some cases, young mothers with their infant and/or small children

Why do parents need a hosting for their child?

The families who reach out to us lack a support system able to help them during difficult times. Common reasons that parents request a child hosting are:

  • The parent needs medical treatment/hospitalization
  • The parent needs a mental health break
  • Homelessness
  • Leaving a domestic violence relationship
  • Needing to serve jail time

What support will I have?

You will serve as part of your church's Alongside Families ministry. You will have a volunteer Family Coach in your home weekly to check on you and the child you are hosting, and a support system of other volunteers and church members to equip you as you serve. Our staff team also provides professional safety oversight and support. You will never serve alone!

Can our family choose which hostings we are open to?

Yes! Host Families complete a profile that includes the ages and number of children that they wish to host. Host Families receive emails and texts with all new hosting needs and can select which hosting needs their family can help with.

What contact will I have with the parent?

Host Families serve like extended family to the child and parent. The parent maintains full custody and is honored as the parent. While hosting, Host Families text pictures to the parent, arrange daily phone calls and weekly visits with the parent and child, and overall build a relationship with the parent too!

How will hosting affect my kids?

We won't sugarcoat it: This is a challenging ministry that asks your whole family to give of themselves. What does that mean for your kids? They will experience what it means to love like Jesus and to live out their faith. They will get to be on-mission in their own home. They will learn to care for others. They will also get a glimpse of poverty and injustice in this world and will grow in their compassion for others. Here's an article we really like that applies to this question.

What happens after a hosting ends?

Our hope is that you will continue a relationship with the child and their parent! Many Host Families become like extended family or godparents and continue a friendship for years to come!

If you have additional questions about being a Host Family, please reach out to Mary Kay, our Volunteer Coordinator: